Dombeya pulchra is multi-stemmed and the slender branches are smooth, wrinkled and often covered with glandular hairs. The large, velvety leaves are roundish to roughly triangular with the upper half sometimes lobed. The upper surface of the leaves is green and covered with short, dense hairs, whereas the undersurface is covered in silvery or greyish white, velvety hairs. The velvety buds open into white flowers that often display a deep pink centre. They turn brown later. The flowers are borne on hairy stalks in bunches in the axils of the upper leaves. It has a somewhat restricted distribution, as it grows on rocky hillsides or mountains at high altitudes, in wooded kloofs or in wooded areas along stream banks.
Dombeya pulchra, a small tree, is ideal for the wooded or semi-shaded areas of your garden.