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Ngongoni three-awn
Plant Type
The mauve plumes of this tufted grass are very conspicuous in summer.
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Creeping foxglove
Plant Type
Asystasia gangetica, the creeping foxglove is an attractive, fast-growing, spreading, herbaceous groundcover that grows from 300 mm to 600 mm in height
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Bush violet
Plant Type
This beautiful shrublet normally occurs below trees and is very attractive if interplanted with grasses and other perennials.
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False olive
Plant Type
Buddleja saligna is a very hardy, evergreen, fast growing, drought resistant tree with silver-grey leaves. It has an attractive shape and it makes one of the most attractive trees for a small garden in sun or semi-shade. It attracts birds, moths and bees.
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Dwarf Pineapple Flower
Plant Type
Eucomis humulis is quite small and that makes this pineapple lily an ideal plant for the smaller garden. The spotted leaves and densely packed fragrant flowers add to its charm.
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Leather leaf fern
Plant Type
Rumohra adiantiformis is a beautiful, rhizome creeping fern with large, leathery, deep green leaves that needs a shady, moist position.
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Crane flower
Plant Type
Strelitzia juncea is slow growing but spectacular. It prefers a sunny spot but will also flower well in semi shade. It grows in the the Eastern Cape and is well adapted to conditions in Gauteng gardens.
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Red grass
Plant Type
Themeda triandra is a beautiful, tufted grass with foliage in many shades of green that turn reddish when older. The purple-red flowers are most attractive from September to June. Plant in sun or semi-shade.