It is ideal for a groundcover in full sun in a rockery or even a mixed succulent garden bed.
Euphorbia pulvinata is a succulent of high variety that usually forms cushion-like mounds. These are sometimes rounded and sometimes irregularly lobed and very old plants can reach heights of up to 1.5m. The mounds consist of tightly packed , seven to ten angled green stems. Each stem has a grey-green thorn on the tip of each angled lobe and tiny barely noticeable leaves that become deciduous. It bears tiny yellow to reddish-brown flowers during spring and summer. It is cold and drought tolerant and other succulents are often found growing on these mounds.
Euphorbia pulvinata is ideal for a groundcover in full sun in a rockery or even a mixed succulent garden bed.
You may find stock of this plant at Random Harvest.