Kniphofia linearifolia, or the common marsh poker is a robust perennial which grows up to 1.5 m in height and is often found growing in groups. The leaves are soft and dull green, and are strongly keeled with finely toothed or smooth margins. Poker-shaped flowerheads are borne on tall stalks from midsummer to autumn. Initially pinkish red to green flower buds appear, which are then followed by the greenish yellow to yellow flowers. They are neatly arranged in a dense inflorescence.
Kniphofia linearifolia grows well in rich soil in an open, sunny position or partial shade. It makes a brilliant display in a garden and the flowers last for a long time. The showy, bright-coloured flowers are ideal for adding a splash of colour to an area or making a bold statement. This plant can be used at the back of a mixed flower border, in groups in the front of a shrub border, or lining a long driveway. Flowers of this species also make excellent cut flowers.
You may find stock of this plant at Random Harvest.