Ocimum serratum (Orthosiphon serratus) is a medium sized shrub that can grow up to 900mm.It has a woody rootstock with erect stems that are hardly branched with dense, bristly hairs. The leaves are borne in multiples of 3 and are about 40-90x20-35mm large, densely hairy with distinct even leaves with sharp teeth and short stalks. The flowers are borne 4-12 in a cluster 30mm apart, the inflorescence ranges from 80-320mm large and the flowers are 9-166mm and mauve or purple in colour, borne during summer between October and May.
Ocimum serratum is a beautiful small to medium shrub with lovely purplish flowers attracting pollinating insects, it has a roundish form and will make for a beautiful feature in any garden. It can be used in a mixed border, mass planted or in a pot or raised bed. It will also look lovely planted around a pond.