Botanical Name
Common Name
Purple vlei grass
Plant Type
The purple vlei grass, Stiburus alopecuroides, always occurs where the soil is seasonally wet, such as the edges of wetlands or seeps and where the soil is fertile. Add a little bit of clay to your planting mix for best results.
Botanical Name
Common Name
Red grass
Plant Type
Themeda triandra is a beautiful, tufted grass with foliage in many shades of green that turn reddish when older. The purple-red flowers are most attractive from September to June. Plant in sun or semi-shade.
Botanical Name
Common Name
Blue-seed grass
Plant Type
Tricholaena monachne is a sparsely tufted perennial grass with slanted culms. It flowers in summer and is usually an indicator of disturbance and the inflorescence can be used in flower arrangements.
Botanical Name
Common Name
Hairy Trident grass
Plant Type
Tristachya leucothrix is a perennial, tufted grass that hardly exceed 500mm. The basal leaf sheaths are covered with golden hairs. Very ornamental.
Botanical Name
Common Name
Trident grass
Plant Type
Tristachya rehmanii is a lovely tufted grass that has blueish leaves which forms a nice contrast if interplanted with other grasses or perennials. Cut back after winter so that it can resprout.