Apodytes dimidiata is a charming, bushy, evergreen tree with a neat, well rounded crown, dark green leathery leaves and a striking profusion of sweetly scented trusses of white flowers from September to April. The flowers have an luring smell to insects which aids in the pollination process. The distinctive black fruit with a scarlet, fleshy appendage appear from December to June. Birds love it. The trunk is white and in older specimens becomes patched with lichen. Apodytes dimidiata grows to a height of between 4 m to 6 m in cultivation but can reach a height of 20 m in a forest.
The White pear is one of our most prevalent forest trees occurring in large numbers in coastal forests throughout the country. As the beautiful wood of the White pear was so sought after by the early settlers, huge numbers of these trees were felled and few really fine specimens remain in our forests today. As a result, Apodytes dimidiata is now a protected species in South Africa.
Apodytes dimidiata is a good choice as a shade tree and can be safely planted near paving or pools as the roots will not disturb foundations. In addition, the fruit is not fleshy and will not be messy on paved areas.Fairly slow growing when young, Apodytes dimidiata needs to be protected from frost for the first year.
Apodytes dimidiata is a fairly fast growing tree with glossy, dark green foliage.
You may find stock of this plant at Random Harvest.