Plant Type
Trichodesma physaloides is a perennial herb that sprouts annually with one to several stems from a woody rootstock. It is one of the most striking Grassland shrublets.
Plant Description
Trichodesma physaloides is a perennial herbaceous shrub that sprouts annually with one to several stems from a woody rootstock. The flowers appear Spring and are borne in a terminal inflorescence, drooping and with brownish purple calyces. The fruit is a single, discoid, densely hairy nutlet. It will tolerate almost any soil.
Trichodesma physaloides is one of the most striking Grassland shrublets.
[…] picture below, showcases in part the Tambookie Thorn in flower, with a Chocolate Bush (Trichodesma physaloides), to the left. The Chocolate Bush, often described as a pre-rain flower occurs naturally in Gauteng […]