Botanical Name
Common Name
Ice plant
Plant Type
Delosperma ashtonii has flattened, three sided succulent, hairy leaves. It forms a low, creeping groundcover to 10cm high which flowers in summer and early autumn. It sprouts annually from a woody rootstock.
Botanical Name
Plant Type
Delosperma caespitosum is a succulent, compact shrublet that has creeping stems, producing slender flowering branches from the base. The pink flowers are more than 2cm in diameter.
Botanical Name
Common Name
Free State delosperma
Plant Type
Delosperma cooperii is a creeper hat will spread quickly and can cover quite a large area. It is ideal for bigger gardens where one can enjoy a mass display of flowers.
Botanical Name
Common Name
Highveld white vygie
Plant Type
Delosperma herbeum, a little "vygie", does not spread uncontrollably, but stays compact. It can be planted on a rockery or amongst indigenous grasses.
Botanical Name
Common Name
Lydenburg delosperma
Plant Type
Delosperma lydenbergense is a flat, spreading Vygie for a sunny, dry area of the garden. Large, glistening, purple-mauve flowers attract insects to the garden. Good ground cover for sandy soils and in rockeries or on embankments.
Botanical Name
Common Name
Mountain Vygie
Plant Type
Delosperma obtusum has large, showy flowers that appears en masse. It is a very effective groundcover in colder areas.
Botanical Name
Plant Type
Delosperma purpureum is very hardy and well adapted to harsh conditions. It forms a lovely groundcover in semi shade.
Botanical Name
Common Name
Vlei daisy
Plant Type
Dymondia margaretae is a hardy, evergreen, drought resistant, flat groundcover with silver and green variegated leaves. This dainty plant with lovely yellow flowers is ideal for planting between stepping-stones.
Botanical Name
Plant Type
Falkia oblonga is a dwarf, mat-forming perennial that hardly exceeds 60mm in height. The flowers are quite large and it can form large patches in the wild.
Botanical Name
Common Name
White carpet
Plant Type
Falkia repens is a hardy, evergreen, mat-forming, perennial groundcover with lovely rounded leaves and large, white to pinkish paper-like flowers. Wonderful to plant between stepping-stones and useful as filler or edging plant.